On June 30, 2022,
Heritage Trans International Company Limited has supported Wad Had Sung
School in Prachinburi for the academic year 2022,
2 projects are Teacher staff project to increase the efficiency ofeducation management and Travel safety schoolbus project. The total amount of support is 798,000 baht. Thesesponsoredprogrammes increaseeducational opportunities for students to learn from specialists and help parents to reduce expenses for sending students to school.
Previously, Heritage Trans International Company Limited has supported Wad Had Sung School for a long time to expand educational opportunities for students from low-income families to have access to good and quality education.
Heritage Trans International Company Limited has donated money to build school building and donated school bus to Wad Had Sung School. In addition, Heritage Trans International Company Limited has also donated money to hire teachers in needs,scholarshipsandschool supplies for student.